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The 5 Best Annuals for Your Pollinator Garden

Rooted: Thoughts, Stories, and How-To's from Brawley Seed Co.

Celebrate Pollinator Week with our Top Annuals for Nectar Rich Landscapes and Container Gardens

If you love big blooms, fresh vegetables and fruits, and life as we know it, then you must love pollinators too. To celebrate our buzz-worthy friends and the huge role they play in the world around us, we put together a list of our favorite annual pollinator plants for bringing and supporting pollinators in your landscape.

5 Favorite Annuals for Pollinators:

Red And Blue Annual Salvia for Pollinators
Red and Blue Annual Salvia

Salvia: You'll find this plant on both our lists for the Best Pollinator Plants. Blue, red, pink, and orange, this plant is a favorite of both hummingbirds and bees. Full sun and easy to maintain, we love this plant for landscapes and large containers. Notable variety: 'Hummingbird Falls' which features blue cascading blooms and does not get as tall as other varieties.

Lantana: A sun-loving and drought-tolerant annual in an array of colors and sizes, both the Brawley Crew and bees adore this plant. We are currently loving the Bandana series which reaches around 2 feet tall and 2 feet wide making it a great compact plant for landscapes and mixed containers.

Zinnias: This plant is a phenomenal choice for a pollinator garden. Not only do the bees and butterflies favor this bloom, we also love it's bright jewel-toned blooms for cut-flower arrangements. Pro-tip: For a budget friendly blooms, plant zinnias from seed May- July.

Guara: While technically a perennial here, white Guara is so popular with container growing, we keep this beauty in our annual section. White flitty blooms that adorn this plant from April to first frost, Guara is a must for both bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Pro-tip: Use this plant for full to part-sun mixed containers to create movement and visual interest.

Nasturtium: Not only do pollinators adore this nectar-rich garden friend, we also love the flavor of this plant. Perfect for vegetable gardens and hanging baskets, this plant features edible leaves and blooms. Pro-tip: Blooms on this plant are particularly sweet and the large red and yellow blooms are favored by hummingbirds.

Honorable mentions: calendula, verbena, cuphea & cosmos.

Flowering annuals have been a favorite of gardeners for their extended bloom period and visual interest. The right flowering annual can be a powerhouse for your yard, bringing in pollinators that help support the world around us. Attracting bees and butterflies into your garden is a necessity, especially for vegetable gardeners. Achieving this couldn’t be easier, by adding the nectar-rich annuals above, bees and butterflies are sure to find your garden, and tell all their friends too! Check back for our list of Favorite Pollinator Perennials, The Best Herbs for Butterflies and Bees and more ideas for creating a pollinator oasis at your home.

Life's a garden, dig it!

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